We need women designing buildings

Denise Scott Brown in Las Vegas around 1966. She co-wrote the seminal book “Learning from Las Vegas.”    (CNN) — An online campaign has started to right a 22-year-old wrong committed against legendary architect Denise Scott Brown. She and Robert...

Reasons why Denise Scott Brown should get a Pritzker

One of the top architecture stories of the moment is that of Denise Scott Brown and whether she should be awarded a Priztker Prize in recognition of her contributions to the work that she and her architect husband, Robert Venturi, jointly conceived in the early1960s...

An interesting Article from Dwell Magazine

American Pastoral At their house and flower farm in Los Angeles’s Glassell Park, Laura Gabbert and Andrew Avery bring friends, family, and a fleet of urban gardeners together for the classic indoor-outdoor party. It was that idyllic moment every party host savors: the...